Fissure Sealants:

 Fissure Sealants:

Many people have deep pits and grooves in their teeth where bacteria and food particles can hide and cause decay.

Dental sealants are a dental treatment consisting of applying a plastic material to one or more teeth, for the purpose of preventing dental caries (cavities) or other forms of tooth decay.

Dental sealants create an impenetrable physical barrier for small food particles and cavity-causing bacteria, making them highly effective in preventing tooth surface decay and the resulting cavities. Sealants can last up to ten years.

Fissure Sealants:

A fissure sealant is an acrylic material that helps to shield out decay-causing bacteria from the chewing surfaces of back teeth. Sealant material forms a protective barrier by bonding to tooth surfaces and covering natural depressions and grooves (called pits and fissures) in the teeth. 

More than 75 per cent of dental decay begins in the pit and fissure areas of the back teeth.   Combined with proper home care and regular dental visits, sealants are efficient in preventing tooth decay.

The sealant effect can last for many years.   Even though the sealant material is durable, at subsequent dental appointments we make sure the sealant materal is intact.   Occasionally we may need to replace or add a new layer to the sealant material to maintain the effectiveness of the seal.

Though there is no specific age at which sealants are indicated, often we will recommend that the best time is when the six-year-old molars (first permanent molars) appear.

but  just because you have fissure sealants doesn't mean your teeth are immune to decay.

If you have any restorations in your mouth then considering fissure sealants is a good preventative option.

You must remember to brush twice daily with fluoride tooth paste, especially before you go to sleep.

Oral Related Topics:
Oral Hygiene Tips and Teeth brushing:
Fluoride and dental health:
Some dental problems include:

Tooth Decay:
- Gum disease (periodontal disease):
- Calculus:
- Tooth (dental) erosion:
- Dental plaque: